- 3:05 PM
And it is another tiring day.. fuhhhh dalam-dalam.. 2hari kebelakangan ni wardina asyik mengigau,habis mama dengan adik die kene tendang. Mule2 seram la jugak bila die nangis-nangis pukul 2-3pagi, tapi bile aku tengok balik, nampak macam sleep disturbance sket disebabkan aku bukak TV. keh2..(mama die pun bukanle berani sangat.lagipun dok meraba-raba dalam gelap kan payah, so aku biar je la TV tu on). So malam tadi try off TV, bile gelap gelita dua2 beradik pon ketakutan so mama kene himpit macam sushi la dibuatnye.. sorang kanan, sorang kiri. nak bergerak pun payah. I wonder kalau orang anak sepuluh..mesti lagi teruk kene himpit. haha. But end up sume pon tido nyenyak..yang tak nyenyak mama dia je la..sebab kene himpit. Harap-harap berkat kene himpit ni kurus la mama dibuatnye. (berangan!).
This handsome boy yang super clingy ni plak tak boleh berenggang sikit, kalau die duduk-mama berdiri pun xboleh..die tidur..mama keluar bilik kejap gi toilet pun die dah meraung. oh la anak..ngapain imran? tu belum lagi bile masuk kereta. tahap meraung dah macam bunyi anak rimau mengaum da. kekeke..tak pe la..mama positif..
in 2 weeks time ni nak kene gi kursus lah pulak..hopefully imran and wardina boleh tidor leklok dekat rumah nenek. Siap nanti mama nak kene buat research bagai..oh man..macam petanda nak suh aku sambung belajor je gayanya. kah2.. in your dream..coz i luv to dreammmm..krohhh krohhh..
Hari ni got a few antenatal scan yang datang utk scan baby. Alhamdulillah, all babies doing well. Mudah-mudahan dorang ok sampai bersalin. 2nd october ni ade mortality meeting..entah ape ke jonah aku ni...pantang jaga kawasan je..dapat kes bertubi2..so kawasan under aku nak kene present ade dua kes..mudah-mudahan semuanya ok.. walaupun ibu-ibu itu tidak pernah ku ketemu..xpela..aku present aje la...
Oklah..nak sambung bekerja dengan penuh bekerjaya. Bye. Assalammualaikum.
- 11:18 AM
Hari ni mood update blog. Imran was born on 30th January 2015 via elective caesarean. Alhamdulillah, operation went well. Both mother and baby are safe. Thanks to all Putrajaya Hospital staff for their warmth and great services. Imran was admitted for few days to hospital on his day 9 of life due to jaundice and his jaundice lasted for more than a month..haihh..sampai mama and papa naik lelah jadinye. We even bought a jaundice lamp letak dekat rumah. Alhamdulillah All the blood results were normal and he was just having a breastfeeding jaundice.
We didn't have a proper plan for imran's photoshoot. Tapi rasa bersalah coz kakak wardina has yearly photoshoot session. Sejak dah beranak dua ni, financially ketat la sikit dah tak macam dulu.. So we decided for a DIY photoshoot instead. Time ni imran was 20days plus and still having slight jaundice. It was a bit difficult to get him photographed coz he was not "that sleepy" anymore. Less than 2weeks old is the best period to get your newborn baby photoshoot. But somehow, we did it!
Click to see more imran's photos
- 3:00 PM
I read about a couple with their IUD (intrauterine death baby) just now. sedih. Semoga Allah memberikan kekuatan buat mereka. 3years ago, bila lahirkan wardina, i used to feel that way too.. rasa bersalah for not being able to lahirkan wardina cukup bulan seperti ibu-ibu lain. You won't know the feelings..i even hampir give up my career at that time. That was how big the impact in my life.. Tetibe kene hentam lagi dengan fitnah dekat o&g department merepek time housemanship tu. Allah je la yang tahu time tu. Seriously, it was not easy.
Pada masa yang sama, one of my friend also giving birth at that time. Almost term baby (cukup bulan).. healthy baby with a good weight i would say.But somehow the baby passed away on day 7 of life due to infection (i cant recall). Then i met another girl , i'm not sure whether from blog/instagram/facebook.. a very beatiful lady she is. she told me she also delivered a premature baby. Allah da tentukan setiap perjalanan..her baby didn't make it. Condolences to both families..
I wake up when i saw them..ujian mereka yang Allah beri lebih dari ujian yang Allah beri pada kami. Walaupun hanya Allah yang mengetahui apa yang mereka lalui and macam mana mereka nak harungi. I believe that i need to be grateful..
Tomorrow is hari raya. Selamat Hari Raya Haji everyone. I have no specific plan for tomorrow. No baju raya either. Planning for rendang daging and nasik impit insyaAllah kalau rajin. Haha. Oh yes, i bought a kilogram of prawn from Kuantan. Siap ade sepit biru! Masak lemak udang wajib nih! :)
Bagi yang balik kampung, drive safely..take care of your kids and your health as well. Enjoy your Hari Raya. Assalammualikum.
Pada masa yang sama, one of my friend also giving birth at that time. Almost term baby (cukup bulan).. healthy baby with a good weight i would say.But somehow the baby passed away on day 7 of life due to infection (i cant recall). Then i met another girl , i'm not sure whether from blog/instagram/facebook.. a very beatiful lady she is. she told me she also delivered a premature baby. Allah da tentukan setiap perjalanan..her baby didn't make it. Condolences to both families..
I wake up when i saw them..ujian mereka yang Allah beri lebih dari ujian yang Allah beri pada kami. Walaupun hanya Allah yang mengetahui apa yang mereka lalui and macam mana mereka nak harungi. I believe that i need to be grateful..
Tomorrow is hari raya. Selamat Hari Raya Haji everyone. I have no specific plan for tomorrow. No baju raya either. Planning for rendang daging and nasik impit insyaAllah kalau rajin. Haha. Oh yes, i bought a kilogram of prawn from Kuantan. Siap ade sepit biru! Masak lemak udang wajib nih! :)
Bagi yang balik kampung, drive safely..take care of your kids and your health as well. Enjoy your Hari Raya. Assalammualikum.
- 11:54 AM
it's been a while..tak sempat nak update blog. Busy dengan kerja dengan anak...So this is a random post i guess. Alhamdulillah, currently tengah proceed dengan beli rumah. Urmm..not a big house pun. Rumah subsale biasa je jadi pilihan kami. But it comes with a good price and good location as well, so why not kan? So,looking forward to pindah in few months time. (serabut dah kepala nak pikir pindah barang.huuuuu...)
I've been thinking to have a simple kitchen cabinet. i love cooking..eventho masak benda bodo-bodo je pun, tapi rasa macam nak proper dapur. Nanti kita tengok ape kata encik suami. Hari tu die pon macam agree je. Maklumla..simple kitchen aku ni complete le jugak dengan kitchen hood sume. hihi. I love something small, compact but proper yet elegant..chewahhhh.amik kau...tu lah banyak sangat tgk citer korea.hihi
I already delivered our 2nd child, my favourite hunny bunny yumpiyampiyam Imran Muhaimin. Almost 8 m.o..Imran selalu ada monday blues..bile monday je mula la taknak minum susu dekat rumah pengasuh. Pengasuh pun dah masak da dengan perangai imran. Muke comel, tapi nangis macam "kene pukul"..haha.. Imran dah start makan solid food. So,every week i need to prepare his food like for 1 week terus. Tak sempat nak masak everyday. Sorry imran darling :(.
Tapi he enjoys the food very much. He loves chicken porridge with all the carrots and potatoes..But this week anchovies porridge nampaknye imran tak berapa nak suka. Takpela..nanti Thursday ni mama masak lain pulak. Sebab thursday cuti.
I dont know why, or maybe it's only me..i'm not even 30y.o yet tapi da start suffer with bilateral knee pain. it is not really painful tapi memang rasa macam ada arthritis. keh keh.
lately, i'm sooo into jubah/muslimah dress gitu. Since before bersalin lagi actually dah start2 belajar pakai jubah. Kalau dulu, jubah la yang paling aku xbagi mak buat. Hehe..dunia dah berubah.. well, it is so comfy sampai bile pakai baju lain rasa tak comfortable da. Apepun, janji cik abang suke bini die pakai jubah .
Oklah, selain jubah sekarang perangai anak dara zaman mude mudi aku dah kembali. tak lain tak bukan melayan drama korea! hahaha. well, i'm pretty sure ade ramai gak mak-mak yang perangai macam aku kan.
Banyak nak cerita lagi,tapi nanti la kite sembangkan..tak tahulah ade lagi ke pembaca di sini. Kindly share your thoughts with me! K Bye!
it's been a while..tak sempat nak update blog. Busy dengan kerja dengan anak...So this is a random post i guess. Alhamdulillah, currently tengah proceed dengan beli rumah. Urmm..not a big house pun. Rumah subsale biasa je jadi pilihan kami. But it comes with a good price and good location as well, so why not kan? So,looking forward to pindah in few months time. (serabut dah kepala nak pikir pindah barang.huuuuu...)
I've been thinking to have a simple kitchen cabinet. i love cooking..eventho masak benda bodo-bodo je pun, tapi rasa macam nak proper dapur. Nanti kita tengok ape kata encik suami. Hari tu die pon macam agree je. Maklumla..simple kitchen aku ni complete le jugak dengan kitchen hood sume. hihi. I love something small, compact but proper yet elegant..chewahhhh.amik kau...tu lah banyak sangat tgk citer korea.hihi
I already delivered our 2nd child, my favourite hunny bunny yumpiyampiyam Imran Muhaimin. Almost 8 m.o..Imran selalu ada monday blues..bile monday je mula la taknak minum susu dekat rumah pengasuh. Pengasuh pun dah masak da dengan perangai imran. Muke comel, tapi nangis macam "kene pukul"..haha.. Imran dah start makan solid food. So,every week i need to prepare his food like for 1 week terus. Tak sempat nak masak everyday. Sorry imran darling :(.
Tapi he enjoys the food very much. He loves chicken porridge with all the carrots and potatoes..But this week anchovies porridge nampaknye imran tak berapa nak suka. Takpela..nanti Thursday ni mama masak lain pulak. Sebab thursday cuti.
I dont know why, or maybe it's only me..i'm not even 30y.o yet tapi da start suffer with bilateral knee pain. it is not really painful tapi memang rasa macam ada arthritis. keh keh.
lately, i'm sooo into jubah/muslimah dress gitu. Since before bersalin lagi actually dah start2 belajar pakai jubah. Kalau dulu, jubah la yang paling aku xbagi mak buat. Hehe..dunia dah berubah.. well, it is so comfy sampai bile pakai baju lain rasa tak comfortable da. Apepun, janji cik abang suke bini die pakai jubah .
Oklah, selain jubah sekarang perangai anak dara zaman mude mudi aku dah kembali. tak lain tak bukan melayan drama korea! hahaha. well, i'm pretty sure ade ramai gak mak-mak yang perangai macam aku kan.
Banyak nak cerita lagi,tapi nanti la kite sembangkan..tak tahulah ade lagi ke pembaca di sini. Kindly share your thoughts with me! K Bye!
- 3:41 PM