
Jun 25, 2010

2nd COntest-Have a tEa wiTh MiszLuLLaby

                                             contest by miszlullaby
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Salam all...hari ni baru ade mood nak buat 2nd contest.Not actually a contest.More to like a "LUCKY DRAW!"hehe...ML dok pikir2,nak buat contest macam mana,cam kesian jek kalo nak suh org pilih2 gamba...kiki.

Ok,before we go to the 2nd contest,as usual i would like to introduce to u guys the gifts!Taraa~

Nama contest pun Have a tea wif miszLullaby kan...Bukan kite keluar minum berdua ye..Hehe=D

OK..maybe some of you will say like "APE NI???BG TEH JE??KAT RUMAH AKU PON PUN ADE".

SABAR DULU.....hehe

ML sangat2 suke minum teh.almost every day,ML akan minum teh.The best thing about Moscow is THE TEA!! 

Lipton sini ade keluarkan macam2 jenis tea,green tea,blueberry,mango,orange,pudina,mixed fruit tea,red berries,jasmine and ade banyakkkk lg jenis tea.And not only lipton,sume brand pun.Teh-teh ni adalah benda wajib yang ML kene bawak balik EVERY YEAR!!!

Because the whole family,termasuk la sedare mara yang jauh ke dekat ke...sume suke teh ni.Ade yang order sampai 50 kotak,sebb kawan2 office nak beli.Termasuk la bos dorang which is some of them orang2 besar dekat Malaysia tau....

Everytime ML buat teh ni bg tetamu minum bile dekat Malaysia, SEMUA tetamu pun,akan kate "EH,TEH APE NI??SEDAPNYE...BELI DEKAT MANA??....SO,can u imagine how tasty they are???

The pacakaging is so classic!Take a look at the tea bag! cute triangle shape.The tea bag is made from a net fabric texture.Not like our teh boh~hehe..but i still love malaysian tea.Ngeee.

So,kali ni..ML will pick 2 WINNERS!!The 1st winner can choose which flavor he/she wants.So,u will get a new one,of course la bukan yang dlm gambar tu..Two flavors that i want u guys to try are:


Syarat2 penyertaan nye simple jek...:

  1. Be my follower.
  2. Just make a post about this contest.Dont forget to put the banner as well.
  3. Tag one of your friend.
  4. Leave your link below so dat i can check it.
  5. i will pick the winner randomly.So,jangan lepaskan peluang nak rasa teh yang best ni!Susah tau nak carik!=D